Saturday, November 12, 2005


Mt. Zion update

From my sources, it's still not a "done deal."

Israeli President Katzav is not involved in any negotiations.

The Vatican has been after Mt. Zion for years, even pre-dating the State of Israel. If they had been in possession of it in 1948, it would be under Catholic control today. They've been trying to take it over any way possible at any price. Apparently when former Interior Minister, Avraham Poraz, from the anti-religious Shinui Party, he agreed to push the issue for the Vatican. And unfortunately, he found some willing allies. Research has revealed that very large sums of money are being offered by the Vatican for "help."

The Vatican and its allies, or agents, in Israel decided that they could use the Israeli President's visit for a ceremony "exchanging" property. That's why Katzav's office could honestly say that they're not involved with any negotiations. But other people are negotiating, and it must stop. Mt. Zion is Jewish and must stay in Jewish hands!

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